Full list of Sacarello Roasted Coffees
A little about our coffee…
Numerous legends point to the discovery of coffee in the area between Ethiopia and Yemen. One of the better known legends has it that Kaldi, a goat herder in Ethiopia circa 600 , after witnessing his goats become full of energy from eating certain cherries ,brought these to the local Monastery . The monks on tasting the bitter cherries, chucked them into the fire. As these roasted , a pleasant, intense and seductive aroma filled the air. The beans (cherry seeds) were raked from the fire , crushed, and put into hot water for preservation – The monks were delighted with the pleasant and intense flavour! They had discovered one of the most fascinating drinks in the world. They went on to drink the coffee to help them keep awake during their nightly devotions! Soon after, Coffee spread in popularity throughout the Arab world. In 1615 Venetian merchants introduced the drink in Europe, firstly known as ‘ Arab Wine’…
The most well known and cultivated coffee plants are Robusta and Arabica. The Robusta originates in Africa. Robusta can grow in lower altitudes than Arabica, usually between 200 and 900 m . It has a higher caffeine content and is usually used to mix with Arabica in blends.
The coffee plant, especially the Arabica , is demanding and grows best around the equator. This is known as the coffee belt or bean belt and extends between the tropics of Cancer and the Capricorn. The tropical to subtropical climate is ideal for this sensitive plant. Ideally the average temperature should be 26degrees and the height between 800m and 2,200m.

All Arabica
Colombia Supremo, Brazil and Honduras Beans
Brazil, Honduras
Tasting Notes: Caramel, Delicate Citrus, Chocolate, Aromatic

As for our house blend but also includes high quality Robusta beans from Uganda for an extra kick.
Brazil, Honduras
Tasting Notes: Caramel, Delicate Citrus, Chocolate, Aromatic

A magnificent coffee from Mexico naturally decaffeinated with a “mountain water system”. The clear waters of the highest mountain in Mexico (El Pico de Orizaba) are used to gently remove the caffeine from the green beans.
Tasting Notes: Good body, Aromatic, Milk Chocolate

Colombia Tolima
West-central Colombia. The Magdalena river basin is in this region. Tolima hugs the western slopes of the Andes Mountains and is replete with snow-capped peaks, deep river valleys, and other types of terrain causing it to be quite remote and difficult to access. Three of the top four awards (1st, 3rd, 4th) for the Colombian Cup of Excellence competition were won by this district in 2015.
Tasting Notes: Nutty, Fruity, Caramel and Creamy-bodied Coffees bursting with flavour and great acidity

Mexico is one of the largest producers of organic coffee. Our organic beans come from various farms in the Chiapas State in The South – one of which is Santa Fe where the coffee is grown in it’s natural environment with large native trees providing shade and stability.
Tasting Notes: Nutty, Spices, Fruity Acidity, Strong but smooth

Brazil Mare Blue
Minas Gerais Region. The farms located at South of Minas Gerais have the privilege of having an exceptionally favourable climate and ideal altitude conditions that allows the cultivation of a coffee with a very full body, excellent aroma and a unique sweetness.
Tasting Notes: Nutty, Caramel, Milk Chocolate, Stone Fruits, Good Body

Kenya AA
Grown at 1400-2011+ metres above sea level. Considered one of the best coffees in the world. The biggest, best shaped and densest beans are assigned a grade of AA. The coffee plants thrive in the volcanic, loamy, rich and fertile soil of the region.
Tasting Notes: Rich, Earthy, Floral with a Full Body & Flavour

Arabica Ethiopia is considered by many to be the birthplace of coffee. The region is well known for having ideal climate conditions for growing coffee. This is all due to high altitudes of between 1600-1900m, ample rainfall, optimal temperature and rich soil.
Tasting Notes: Orange, Peach, Nuts, Chocolate, Aromatic, Strong

Arabica A well balanced premium sweet coffee, seasonally available.
Tasting Notes: Yellow Fruits, Good Body, Creamy

The Coffee from this región is considered by many as world class. Tarrazu is one of the most densely planted high altitude regions in Central America. It is known for having the best volcanic soils and highest altitudes in Costa Rica (1200-1600 metres). Throughout the year, there are two well defined seasons; A rainy season and a dry season. This causes the cherries to be uniform in ripeness.
Tasting Notes: Cocoa, Caramel, Earthy, Nutty

Arabica El Tablazo Farm is located in San Ignacio de Acosta at the south of the capital, and it’s a region that cultivates Arabica coffee, mostly Caturra and Catuaí varieties. The coffee produced here is internationally renowned and is grown in small valleys and on the slopes of the country’s highest mountains.
Tasting Notes: Profile – Chocolate. Cupping Note – Butter

Jamaica Blue Mountain
From the blue mountains of Jamaica at 910-1700m. Cool and misty climate with high rainfall and excellent drainage. Climate and soil considered ideal for coffee growing. Difficult to cultívate on the steep hillsides. One of the most expensive coffees! Production is scarce for the high demand.
Tasting Notes: Well Balanced, Good Acidity & Body, Delicate Flavour
*Please check – some of these coffees are seasonal or may not be available

+(350) 200 78366
Lathbury Barracks Industrial Park
Gibraltar GX11 1AA
08:00 - 17:00
*July & August: 08:00 - 16:00